What's new 👇🏼
Curio Alpha
Today we are launching Curio Alpha. A new way for our community to share insights and discuss amongst one another with live charts and data. We think this new style of sharing allows our users to gather context which can then be used to springboard into further exploration.
To kick off the program we have a few Alpha callers pre-selected to get the conversation started. And if you are a Curio Keygen, you can comment on all posts. Further types of interactions are planned for the future.

Buy LooksRare Listings
We now show LooksRare listings on the Orderbook page and you can buy them with one click directly from Curio.

Collection Holders Analytics
The collection homepage now shows 3 new holders stats: Unique Holders, Whales & Next Blue Chip Potential (NBCP) percentage.
This is a long-requested feature and this should provide more information on the "health" of the project based on collection holder stats.

Collection Holders Chart
The collection "Analytics" page now shows the "Holders" chart with holder stats over time.

Improvements 🧹
- Fix subscription bug where transactions were in a PENDING state for a long time
- Fix layout bug on the collection page for smaller screen sizes