What's new 👇🏼
Show Pending Transactions
The Orderbook got a huge upgrade by showing pending transactions for the listings. When you hover over the listing that has pending transactions, it shows you the top 5 pending transactions along with the gas used for each. This lets you set a custom gas setting & press enter to submit the transactions quickly!
Now you can front-run pending transactions to snipe listings on Curio!

Clickable Search Results
The entire collection row on the search results is now clickable for quick access.

Support Rarible Links
Added a link to open collections & assets on Rarible. Our teams have been in touch and we are finding more ways to collaborate together.

Improvements 🧹
- Fixes a broken dependency on Alchemy to reliable show gas prices
- Show fallback when total asset count of collection is missing
- Update What's new modal UI
- Shows a dynamic date for pro trial on the survey modal
- Fixes an issue with decimal point on Overview page
- Added fallback to broken asset image
- Improved charts if data is not present
- Fixed grid style for Owned tab
- Fixed issue with empty overview sections
- Fixed unusual aspect ratio for asset cards
- Fixed conditional on numeric values
- Fixed overflowed menu on Ranking table
- Fixed timeago formatting when it has text